Month 5 — They Brought Their Food With Them (Migration)

This is not a drawing, nor is it a real installation; it is a mockup (I don’t have a 24 foot blank wall). Each creature is cut from a piece of black card stock, anywhere from 1 inch - 10 inches long, and then gummed to the wall. Click on the images above for the full composition.

Month 5 — They Brought Their Food With Them (Migration)

I learned two things while creating this piece:

1. My essential tremors still make my hands too shaky for me to draw well. But for some reason if given an X-acto blade I can rule the world. The craft of cutting paper is still within my reach.

2. I am still capable, in fact, of completing a piece involving illustration and design. I wasn’t sure I could do that. But it was literally painful: it caused headaches, epileptic auras, and crippling exhaustion. Imagine forcing yourself into a burning building to save a cat. Success! You come out to applause with a singed cat, a feeling of virtue, and the thought, “I’m not sure that was worth it”.

But I did fifinish it. Maybe I could do that again for a really, really important cat?

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